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214 Magic sound effects for Japanese Role-playing games and anime-inspired magic spells that range from casting sound effects,
healing sounds, buff sounds, bless sounds, fairy dust sound effects, and revives sound effects!
Sound effects come in different layers like ‘Cast’, ‘Impact’, ‘Shoot’ and many more to let you create the unique and perfect magic sound for your game.

Use the magic sounds as part of a magic animation or simply use them as a standalone. This RPG magic sound effects pack consists of unique magic spell sound effects,
magic twinkle sound effects, magic chime sound effects, dark magic sound effects, and more.
All designed and created to give you the freedom to create exciting magic spells

Album Contains:

  • 147 Spells (Buffs, Debuffs, Heals, Negative Spells, Neutral Spells, Positive Spells and Revives)
  • 54 Basic Attacks & Impacts (Magic Swooshes & Impacts Ranging from Small to Large)
  • 13 Misc (Boss Appear, Monster Dies, Skill Unlock, UIs, Teleport)
  • 1 Music

Long ver. demo:

Used in Anime, Bofuri:

Format: wav - stereo, 44.1kHz, 16bit
Sound List: https://bit.ly/RPG_List_WS

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